Podnikatelia sú nútení zvyšovať ceny svojich služieb a tovarov
Zvýšenie cien energií výrazne ovplyvnilo náklady MSP v ich podnikaní, čo sa už premieta do vyšších cien tovarov a služieb.
Ako uviedol...
Part of the business environment monitoring is the implementation and evaluation of various surveys focused on current issues and needs of the business environment...
Information materials
Source: Unsplash
The objective of the information materials is to provide detailed information on the possibilities of support in business (eg. about state aid, incentives,...
Profil SR within the international comparison
The Slovak Republic (as well as other member states of the European Union) regularly enters into various international comparisons, the aim of which is...
Analytical and statistical outputs
Source: Unsplash
The Business Environment Research Department of the Slovak Business Agency regularly monitors the current state of the business environment not only in Slovakia...